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Flowmeter Emir-Pramer-550

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Category: Others

Our experts managed to create a device with certain competitive advantages.

Among them are the following:

- wide dynamic range (1/1000),

- accuracy (±1% in the flow-rate range),

- a possibility to measure a reversible stream,

- flow meter self-diagnostic functions.

To create electronical flowmeters we use high-precision hardware components and unique methods of digital signal processing, a calibration system which provides the required metrological characteristics as well as a rugged construction of fluoroplastic lining primary transducer produced in cooperation with our partners.

Nominal diameter (DN): from 15 to 150 mm.

The special feature of EMIR-PRAMER-550 electronic flow meter (an EMIR-PRAMER-550-I version) is RS485 digital front-end output which optimizes calibration process procedure of the transducer and makes it possible to organize data-measuring networks. The flow meter can register liquid volume in both directions, measure the current flow rate, time of unfailing service and transfer these data upon dispatching computer request over ModBUS RTU.

Warranty period – 4 years

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